2. Achieving Market Segmentation from B2B Sectorisation. Simkin, Lyndon. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 23. 7 (2008): 464-474.
3. Customer Segmentation Based on Commitment and ICT Use. Gil-Saura, Irene; Ruiz-Molina, Maria-Eugenia. Industrial Management + Data Systems 109. 2 (2009): 206-223.
4. Data Mining Techniques Used in Segmenting the Touristic Market. Petcu, Nicoleta. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija. Biennial International Congress. Tourism & Hospitality Industry (2010): 1569-1575.
5. Employer Branding and Market Segmentation. Moroko, Lara; Uncles, Mark D. Journal of Brand Management 17. 3 (Dec 2009): 181-196.
6. Linking Market Orientation To Strategy Through Segmentation Complexity. Zolfagharian, Mohammad Ali; Cortes, Angelica. Journal of Business & Economics Research 8. 9 (Sep 2010): 79-91.
7. Psychographic Segmentation of the Self-employed: An Exploratory Study. Kenney, Matthew G; Weinstein, Art. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 13. 2 (Fall 2010): 47-56.
8. Shopping Effort Classification: Implications for Segmenting the College Student Market. Wright, Robert E; Palmer, John C; Eidson, Vicky; Griswold, Melissa. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Educational Leadership. Proceedings 15. 1 (2010): 37-42.
9. The Use of Decision Making Styles as a Market Segmentation Variable: A Study in Turkey. Firat, Duygu. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge 16. 2 (Mar 2011): 223-229.
10. Advances in Market Segmentation. Neal, William D; Wurst, John. Marketing Research 13. 1 (Spring 2001): 14-18.
11. Market Segmentation in the European Airport Sector. Freathy, Paul; O'Connell, Frank. Marketing Intelligence & Planning 18. 3 (2000): 102-111.
Literature reiew - positioning:
1. Building brand identity in competitive markets: a conceptual model. Ghodeswar, Bhimrao M. The Journal of Product and Brand Management 17. 1 (2008): 4-12.
2. Product positioning: A comparison of perceptual mapping techniques. Kohli, Chiranjeev S; Leuthesser, Lance. The Journal of Product and Brand Management. Santa Barbara: 1993. Vol. 2, Iss. 4; pg. 10.
3. The ABCs of positioning. Lautman, Martin R. Marketing Research. Chicago: Winter 1993. Vol. 5, Iss. 1; pg. 12.
4. The anatomy of marketing positioning strategy. Brooksbank, Roger. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. Bradford: 1994. Vol. 12, Iss. 4; pg. 10.
5. The development of a consumer/customer-derived generic typology of positioning strategies. Blankson, Charles; Kalafatis, Stavros. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Armonk: Spring 2001. Vol. 9, Iss. 2;pg. 35.
6. Positioning strategies of international and multicultural-oriented service brands. Blankson, Charles; Kalafatis, Stavros. The Journal of Services Marketing. Santa Barbara: 2007. Vol. 21, Iss. 6; pg. 435
7. Positioning: Marketing's 5th 'P'. Renee Kohls. Marketing News. Chicago: Mar 16, 1998. Vol. 32, Iss. 6; pg. 6,
8. ICT: The creation of value and differentiation in services. Meyronin, Benoit. Managing Service Quality14. 2/3 (2004): 216-225.
9. Differentiation strategies in vertical channels: A case study from the market for fresh produce. Hingley, Martin; Sodano, Valeria; Lindgreen, Adam. British Food Journal110. 1 (2008): 42-61.
10. Differentiation through customer involvement in production or delivery. Song, Jae H; Adams, Carl R. The Journal of Consumer Marketing10. 2 (1993): 4.
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